
Impressions is a series of articles on my thoughts reading through religious texts and books. These are largely unfiltered reactions that are meant to show my current thoughts and feelings on the subject. I make no claim to advanced knowledge nor do I mean to suggest you should agree with me on this.

I do hope the journey might be interesting to you and might offer a different view into texts you may have taken from granted until now. I know I have in a lot of these cases.


  • Genesis
    The bible starts with a bang (cosmological pun intended). A lot happens in the first book and very quickly. As almost everyone knows Genesis starts with “Let their be light” and the classic biblical creation story. Scientifically this is a mess, but honestly thats not really any different from any other religious creation story so … Continue reading Genesis
  • Exodus
    Exodus begins the story of the travels in the desert for the Israelites. We all know the story and the “let my people go” so we know this starts in Egypt. The Israelites had it pretty good in the beginning thanks to the legacy of Joseph, but when his generation died and a new pharaoh … Continue reading Exodus
  • Leviticus
    To paraphrase the Grinch this book is all the law, law, law. Its a bit of a slog because of that but lucky for you I’ll try to sum it up briefly. Offerings The first seven chapters of this book are about different types of offerings, when they should be used and how they should … Continue reading Leviticus